RHA collection of fillers, this includes RHA Redensity, RHA 2, RHA 3 and RHA 4.
Your face is dynamic—making millions of movements every day. Repetitive movements like laughing and talking create facial lines called dynamic wrinkles and folds.
The RHA® Collection is different. It is designed to be resilient enough to adapt to your dynamic facial movements for a look that’s beautiful at rest and flawless in motion.
RHA Redensity™
Weightless filler that smooths delicate lipstick lines. The first and only FDA-approved filler for injection into both the superficial dermis and dermis to treat dynamic perioral rhytids.
May be good for those who:
RHA® 2
Elegant softening for dynamic lines and moderate to severe volume deficits
May be good for those who:
RHA® 3
Noticeable, yet refined smoothing for dynamic wrinkles and folds
May be good for those who:
RHA® 4
Natural volume for deeper dynamic wrinkles and folds.
May be good for those who:
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